My journey through Maven - 1

Recently I was at the Tampa Java Users Group (Tampa JUG) for a presentation on Maven. Although, I was introduced to Maven once earlier while working at Pentaho, this presentation was more "what-maven-is?" and "why-maven?". And, then I came across this post: What has maven ever done for us? which intrigued me even further. This post is the first in the series of posts on my initiation in maven!

So how do you install maven? I am using Linux Mint OS (a super cool Operating System that adds great UI and controls on top of Ubuntu), so the commands below basically are for Ubuntu based systems.

1. apt-cache search maven
	maven-debian-helper - Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
	maven2 - Java software project management and comprehension tool

This gives you an idea about all the maven related packages in apt's cache.

2. sudo apt-get install maven2

This installed maven2.2.1 on my system

3. mvn -v
Apache Maven 2.2.1 (rdebian-1)
Java version: 1.6.0_20
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.31-20-generic" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"
4. mvn --help

Lists all the maven commands.

Next post: Maven, Grails, GWT and Spring MVC.


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