Throw dynamic exceptions in Spock tests from where block

It's pretty straightforward due to Groovy awesomeness!

Without any further ado:

import spock.lang.Specification

 * Created by ravi on 11/14/14.
class SpockDynamicExceptionTest extends Specification {

    def "test 1234"() {
        def a = 1



        exception        | message
        RuntimeException | 'You are awesome'
        IOException      | 'Yo!'

Breakdown of what's happening above in case you are new to Spock or Groovy:

Essentially two things are of note above:

  1. exception.newInstance([message])
    Here I am getting a Class type and simply using newInstance([message]) to instantiate the class with parameter(s): message

  2. The where block of Spock for data driven tests:

exception        | message
RuntimeException | 'You are awesome'
IOException      | 'Yo!'       

Because the tests are data driven, they will run two times: the first time with RuntimeException and 'You are awesome' as arguments to the test method and the second time with IOException and 'Yo!' as arguments to the test method!