Elasticsearch Logstash config for ELK stack explained On my previous blog post about installing ELK stack without sudo access[1] one of the commentator asked me about explaining the Logstash config in more detail. For ease of reference the Logstash
Elasticsearch Install ELK stack without sudo access Recently, on my blog post on installing ELK stack on Ubuntu/Debian I was asked if it was possible to have ELK stack running on a server without sudo access. I admit it's
ubuntu Install ELK Stack on Ubuntu/Debian How to install ELK and configure it on your server (Ubuntu/Debian)? You can follow the steps below to install and configure Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack on Ubuntu/Debian server. If you are familiar
Elasticsearch Why ELK stack Problem statement: You have different applications feeding into each other. Debugging an issue requires logging into each individual box to look at the logs. With small number of apps/boxes it's not an